Animal dialogues: in the world of smells

About the role of smells in the world of animals and in the world of people

16 April 2022 — 17 July 2022

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name / eng-name

Location: Exhibition complex / 2nd floor / Exhibition hall #5

Smell is the oldest of senses. The new exhibition «Animal dialogues: in the world of smells» is dedicated to the complex and various world of smells. Natural scientific exhibits and works of art from the funds of the Darwin Museum will reveal unusual and curious facts about smells.

Smell is an important source of information about the surrounding world for many animals. By smell animals distinguish «ingroup» from «outgroup», find a partner, defend and mark their territory. The olfactory signals act at great distance, in water and air, in light and in total darkness. Some of them are addressed to relatives, others are addressed to enemies and other ones are universal. The new exhibition of the Darwin Museum shows some examples of the usage of animal odors.

The abilities of animal sense of smell are amazing. For example, a male Luna moth butterfly relies on the sense of smell to find a female at distance of 11 kilometers! A female Californian sea lion smells to find her baby unmistakably among thousands of relatives and pigeon smells to find way to home. Elephants not only smell to differ species of other tribes, find food and choose a partner, but they also accurately define the source of water at distance of 20 kilometers!

The absence of nose is not an obstacle to smell! Insects detect smells by antennae, octopuses do it by special receptors on tentacles, fish smell by passing water through olfactory nasal sacs and snakes and frogs use an additional olfactory organ located on the palate.

From the «Jar of Fragrant Facts» you will learn how a special deodorant can help the New Zealand kiwi in its struggle for survival, why freshly caught smelt smells like cucumber and why binturong smells like popcorn, which odors attract camels, and how the large white butterflies and silkworm of the domestic silk moth smell like. 

In human life smells also play an important role. They give us memories and awaken emotions. They can be strong and subtle, pleasant or repulsive, floral or chemical. Often they warn us about possible troubles:  smell of spoiled food, smell of burning, sharp chemical smells. On the contrary, pleasant smells improve well-being and mood. At this exhibition you will not only learn about the history of perfumery, but will also be able to experience the beneficial effects of aromatherapy with the help of essential oils.

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