31 May 2022 — 4 September 2022

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name / eng-name

Location: Exhibition complex / 0 Level / Exhibition hall # 1

The stripes in the fashion world have made a long way of evolution - from "stigma" of criminals and lepers to a symbol of emancipation and freedom from prejudices. Today, stripes are a bright fashionable print that conquers the world podiums again and again. Designers often borrow ideas for fashion experiments from animals, whose striped outfits are distinguished by an incredible variety of shapes and colors. The new exhibition at the Darwin Museum tells about the stripes and their significance in the animal world.

The carnivorous print defined the fashion of the 1990s through bold experiments of designers Gianni Versace and Roberto Cavalli, who sought to hightlight the uninhibited and natural magnetism of women. In 2022, the Year of the Tiger, the tiger print is back on. In nature the stripes perfectly camouflage this predator in high grass, among shrubs and trees. Moreover, the pattern of stripes is individual for each tiger like human fingerprints and is duplicated on both fur and skin. At the exhibition you will see the white tigress Kali – the legend of the Moscow Zoo with rare deviation in coloration. There are only about 130 such tigers in the world, and this is the only specimen in the collection of the Darwin Museum.

But it is still unknown for certain why zebra has stripes. Scientists have advanced four hypotheses, in particular: that the stripes are a camouflage against predators, a means of thermoregulation, a natural “repellent” from the bites of blood-sucking insects or a means of recognizing each other. People noticed zebra coloration and began to use it as a fashionable print in the 50s of the last century, and in the 60s it was already everywhere: on hats, coats, evening dresses and sweaters. At the exhibition you will be able to compare the color of different types of zebras and also find out the answer to the question: what color is zebra - black with white stripes or vice versa?

The stripes are multifunctional. Most often they help animals to disguise themselves, warn them of danger or allow them to exchange signals. But there are exceptions. For example, popular aquarium fish neon tetra has strips, which create the effect of glow. Bright stripes of cleaner shrimp serve as self-promotion: they attract marine fish that want to get rid of parasites. Amazing examples of the use of stripes in nature are presented at the exhibition not only by natural science exhibits, but also by works of art from the rich collection of the Darwin Museum. You can also experience the effects of the stripes yourself by looking at the striped visual illusions.

Stripes show great importance not only in nature, but also in the human world. The exhibition tells the story of stripes from the devil's symbol to fashionable classics, from gondoliers' uniforms to workers' overalls. Modern striped trends are represented by costumes of modern Russian designers.

Herd of zebras

Three couples have fun on the beach of Ostend, Normandy, July 1, 1938

Italian bug Graphosoma lineatum. Moscow region. Photo by Petr Bogomazov

Harlequin land crab Gecarcinus quadratus



Venetian gondolier

Swiss Guard - the armed forces of the Vatican

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