
The exhibition about wonderful and unusual platypuses and echidnas

5 February 2019 — 28 April 2019

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name / eng-name

The discovery of these animals was a true sensation. No one could believe in their existence: scientific discussions lasted for many decades. Most people in the 18th-century Britain considered the skin of platypus an intricate joke of Asian masters. What do we know now about these remarkable and incredible creatures? The exhibition “Prototheria” at the State Darwin Museum will tell about their origin, habits and way of life. Platypuses and echidnas are very unusual animals in many ways. They are the most primitive mammals that appeared on the planet in the era of dinosaurs. These animals represent a transitional link between ancient mammal-like reptiles and other mammals.  Platypuses and echidnas have lots of peculiarities in their behaviour, diet, body temperature, sensitivity to an electric field etc. Platypuses are great swimmers; however they can’t see, hear or smell much under water. Echidnas are very secretive by nature and their mating behaviour was discovered only in 2003, after 12 years of observations. Currently, platypuses and echidnas are carefully protected in Australia and there is no threat of their extinction. The exhibition at the State Darwin Museum will display unique exhibits from the museum’s great collections and rare books of the 19th century with the images of these unusual and amazing mammals.

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