
to mark the International Day of Older Persons

22 January 2021 — 31 January 2021

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name / eng-name

The opening of the "Altai" exhibition coincided with the International Day of Older Persons. It presents the works of the gifted photo artist Tamara Dobrolyubova. For almost 20 years after her retirement, she has always been carrying around her camera and has mastered her skills in the art of photography.

From her memoirs: “When I was young, I went hiking in Altai. I don't remember exactly the route, but I remember that we climbed the mountain to the glaciers. I was struck by the border between the glacier and the ground: lifeless ice above, and flowing streams below with flowers growing. I still remember this moment very clearly ... "

As part of the exhibition program, there will be meetings with Tamara Dobrolyubova, where you can ask questions and learn some useful tips on how to take beautiful photos.






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