"Ahead of Time"

To the 150th anniversary of the birth of N. K. Koltsov

17 May 2022 — 24 July 2022

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name / eng-name

Location: Main building / Floor 2 / Second floor hall

The State Darwin Museum with the archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

One of the founders of Russian experimental biology N.K. Koltsov has made an invaluable contribution to the development of physicochemical biology, genetics, cytology, development biology and evolutionary theory. Amazing scientific intuition allowed him to predict the basic phenomena of molecular biology, such as the possibility of changing genes under the influence of radiation and chemicals, the existence and matrix synthesis of hereditary molecules. This brilliant organizer of science and effective lecturer has rallied a huge number of talented scientists around him and has laid the foundations of the Russian school of evolutionary biology.

The exhibits will help to follow the history of how N.K. Koltsov became a scientist. Preparations of the individual development of frogs, skeletons of animals, birds, reptiles and bones of the shoulder and pelvic girdle of various vertebrates tell us that Koltsov began his path to science as a comparative anatomist. The scientist devoted more than forty years to the study of cell organization.

At the exhibition you will see decapod crayfish: the study of the structure of their spermatozoa allowed Koltsov to discover the most important element of the cellular structure – cytoskeleton. Additionally, you will see drawings by the hand of Nikolai that illustrated his works. In the books by Koltsov’s authorship presented at the exhibition you can find a dedicatory inscription from the author to the founder of the Darwin Museum A.F. Kots.

Koltsov has made a considerable contribution to the development of genetics. He is the author of the first work on genetics of guinea pigs; by visiting the exhibition, you will learn which genes control the variety of colors of these cute pets.

But Koltsov is even more significant as a theorist of genetics. He has predicted the matrix principle of the reproduction of heredity molecules and has initiated works on artificial production of mutants and artificial parthenogenesis (reproduction without fertilization). The brilliant predictions of Koltsov were practically supported in the works of his students. The exhibition presents tetraploid buckwheat, obtained by V.V. Sakharov, and tetraploid species of silkworm bred by B.L. Astaurov.

Like most prominent Soviet geneticists, in the 1920s Koltsov became interested in eugenics - the science of improving the human race. Eugenics was closely linked to the emerging human genetics. At the exhibition you will be able to see materials from the Russian Eugenic Journal on the study of identical twins. You will be convinced, having studied the genealogy of Koltsov himself, that his talent was largely hereditary. Ebullient energy, great erudition, ability to attract and infect young minds with his enthusiasm, rare sense of new in science gave Koltsov the opportunity to become the founder of the Russian school of evolutionary biology. You will learn the details of the creation of the first biological research institute in Russia and see how students of Koltsov have become remarkable scientists.

M.P. Sadovnikova-Koltsova was a companion, a faithful friend and an associate of Koltsov, at the same time being an independent bright scientist. She managed to assemble a unique collection illustrating the behavior of animals, the best part of which is showed at the exhibition. Visiting the exhibition, you will find out what kind of virtuoso builders ants, wasps, beetles and bees can be.

The exhibition will remind you that the fate of Koltsov was tragic. During the years of binge and persecution of geneticists, the scientist was removed from the head of the institute he created and soon died of a heart attack. Fortunately, over time the name of Nikolai Konstantinovich was returned from oblivion. In 1967, a student of Koltsov B L. Astaurov headed the newly created Institute of Developmental Biology, which was the ideological successor of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology. In 1976, the institute was named after N.K. Koltsov.

Фото предоставлено архивом РАН

Photo provided by the archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Фото предоставлено архивом РАН

Photo provided by the archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Н.К.Кольцов с группой студентов МВЖК,среди них-Н.Н.Ладыгина-Котс

N.K.Koltsov with a group of the Higher Courses for Women students, among them N.N.Ladygina-Kots 


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